“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” - Plato

Jami Hudson Craig, MA, CPC, GSD,Musician & Life Coach

Jami Hudson Craig, MA, CPC, GSD,

Musician & Life Coach

I am passionate about many things, but let me start


#1. The first time I sang publicly was at age 9 to 150 people at a Sunday night church service and I’ve been singing ever since. From house concerts to the Kennedy Center, singing is my elixir, my place of pure joy. I hope these videos bring you joy too!


Lean on me, when you’re not strong, And I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on…

Lean on me, when you’re not strong, And I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on…

#2. My love for others has always played a HUGE part in my day to day. My earliest recollection is sitting on the curb on a scorching Alabama day, next to my little friend who se mama had passed away. We were only four years old, but I put my arm around her and said, “Well, then, I will share mine with you.”

And that sums me up pretty well: I’ll share mine with you. Whatever you need, I do my best to share and most often that’s in the form of life coaching. Which, by the way, is life changing - I should know because it was the coaching I received that took me from a bankrupted trauma surviving, single mom of six to a thriving, happy, stable-in-every-way human being. If you want to hear more…

Do yourself a favor and spend time with Jami! She helps me get unstuck – “my head knows what to do, my heart wants to do it, but my feet feel like they are trapped in cement, “ I recently told her. Jami doesn’t try to “fix” you – she listens and guides and helps you make The changes you need and when you feel off course she is there! Jami is compassionate enough to validate your feelings, but strong enough to push you to see that you either “need to stop talking about this or that; realize it isn’t really a goal or do something about it! “We are all a work in progress but, with Jami’s guidance I’ve been able to do that in many areas of my life – you will too!
— KC, Philadelphia PA