You may have landed here because you want more - love, clarity, peace, money, sleep, success…fill in the blank. Or maybe you want less - drama, weight, insecurity, doubt, loneliness, illness…again, fill in the blank. But whatever you want, coaching is a path to get you there. I know, because I lived it. I know, because I learned it. And…


I promised to share what I know

So here it is:

You already have everything you need inside you just waiting for permission to burst forth.


Here’s the thing: Most of us need help to find it. So what’s a person to do?

Well, there are many way and one of the most well known is counseling.

Counseling is looking back at unmet needs and wounds and trying to heal from them in some therapeutic fashion. It has its place but it also has its limits and sometimes they are profound.

Coaching is not counseling.

Coaching is: “All that said, now what?!?”

Coaching is forward looking, thinking, and moving with someone who helps you process, plan, and prosper. It’s not about the past. It’s about the now and the future.
— Jami Craig


Making room for yourself. Finding your voice. Putting yourself back on your priority list. Honoring your own life and your dreams as much as you do others. That’s what coaching did for me and what I GUARANTEE it will do for you.

Give yourself permission to tell your story and reclaim your voice and power by reconnecting to the part of you that was left behind. You have right to be loved.  You deserve a voice. Your story needs to be told and I’d love to hear it. So, scroll down and let’s connect. Or keep reading because it’s about to get even spicier…


At an especially low point in my life, I mean really low, I got a download from the universe and went from survivor - of abuse, trauma, suicide loss, depression - to thriver with a gift to offer the universe that I call …


If you were going to build a dream house, you wouldn’t start with getting your furniture delivered. You’d start with a design and then follow a structured plan to build it before moving in and living your best life. That’s

Life Design.

This amazing process will blow your socks off and allow you to:

Love yourself enough to become the person you are meant to be

Envision - and I mean with ALL your senses - the life you long for

Clear away what is standing in the way

Lay the foundation for the work to come

Build a framework that makes room for every piece of you

Protect what you’ve designed

Foster the inward and outward vision you have for yourself and your place in this big, beautiful world

Create and honor your own boundaries and let go of co-dependent, toxic behavior

Give yourself permission to stop surviving and start thriving and